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Advanced Nitrox and Deco Procedures (45M)

Advanced Nitrox and Deco Procedures (45M)

This course includes two certifications. The first is TDI Advanced Nitrox, the second is TDI Decompression Procedures to 45M. The combination of the two is the introduction of tech diving.  After these two courses, the student can manage gas use, and decompression and fully understands the importance of gas use. 


It is recommended that the student is capable with either twins or sidemount for this course. A primer or course is offered for both if the student would like to get comfortable with modified kit arrangements.




    The course includes an introduction to side-mount or back mount doubles.  As well this course includes an advanced focus on understanding a balanced kit, trim, buoyancy, and propulsion.  If additional dives are required to ensure the students comfort they will be charged at the standard dive rate.  

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